Friday, May 28, 2010

Grace in small things...

Oops I know this is Thu thing..but i forgot!! her it goes..

1. I've gotten to see my hubby soo many times this's been awesome!!!
2. Managed to keep myself busy so this time flies by.
3. Was able to make it to our FRG meeting, and i had fun :-)
4. GOT A NEW CHAIR!! don't know if this was on last
5. My grass (weeds)  hasn't grown THAT i won't have to do much this weekend :-)
6. I've lost 3-4 LBS!! yays!!
7. I get to see my nephew in 2 more days.i can't wait!
8. PRAISE for a day off work on Monday!!!!!!! hehehhe (although this should be on next weeks..hehe)
9. MIGHT get to see my best friend Regina some time today..*hopefully*
10. I made an attempt to making Cheese Empanadas..AND THEY CAME OUT SOOO YUMMY!!! :-)

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