Friday, October 1, 2010

Fun with Friends =)

Yesterday I got to go celebrate Brody's Bday, we had a great time. I also got to make his cake, which by now if you follow me on Facebook and my site, you're probably pretty sick of it already..haha...but just one last time..HERE IT IS AGAIN!!! LOL


You know I'm a bit slow, but here I am with my new friends, and realized I have not taken ANY PICS with them!!! that will change soon...eitherway I was able to take some last night with the was fun. 

I love Sky!! she's so cute..I know it's a bit dark, but my iphone was having some issues yesterday. 

Here are some of Brody =)
Brody and the cake that burned it's hand..hhahah....memo to me!!!

His gift corner =)

Although not the birthday girl, she still got a present from her aunt Sarah =) 

Mommy, Daddy, & Grandaddy's present a DS...which...btw...i still don't know what it stands for!! and here I thought I was up on technology =) lol. 

Realized I never took pics with Isaac, or Brooke, or Jerry.... that will change =)