1. My credits transfered to FTCC!! which means I can start school =) Soo scared, but so cool!! =)
2. My caca was able to visit me!! I can't believe it's Sept already!
3. My awesome work out buddy Brooke. She keeps me going.
4. We're in the 40's!!!!
5. A week a home to rest and have some "me" time
6. Yay for making cakes!!
7. So proud of myself for reading 4 books this Summer!!! I know some may think, pathetic, but hey...i usually read 4 books in like 20 years!! lol. seriously, it's sad...
8. A quiet morning
9. Cereal, I don't know what I would do without it!
10. An awesome church!!! the past few Sundays have been amazing!!
This was a great weekend!! My Caca came to visit me, and we had a great time! She arrived on Thu night, and we stayed up till like 3am talking. =) She brought me some goodies too!! YAYS for make up, shirts, purses!! heheh...
The next morning, I got up and made some Chilean pancakes, and we filled with with White Chocolate and Raspberry..YUM!!!
Definitely learned my lesson that 3 squirts of strawberry is WAY too much!!! lol. This shot was taken after i had drank HALF the cup and added more milk...it was still WAY SWEET AND PINK!!! LOL.
Friday I pretty much spent most of the day making a cake..I was a bit frustrated cuz the fondant wasn't working with me, so we took a break and went shopping =) We came back around 6pm and I went back into it again..hehe...Caca watched a movie, and I listened to it..lol.
This is us lost while shopping...LOL. I absolutely HATE finding my car after shopping =(
I also made some empanadas for lunch =) YUM!!!
Sat afternoon, we got ready and left to Raleigh to the Cheesecake Factory =) YUM!! i got to meet 2 of caca's friends and we had a blast!!
Ok, so I'm back for tonight....a lot has been happening, but I've been really lazy at blogging...I have got to get with it...
I'm so excited we're in the 40's with Matt coming home!!! =) I can't wait !!
Right now, I'm so excited though, cuz my Caca's coming to see me tomorrow!!!! I really hope that my work day goes by really REALLY fast, and that I can drive really REALLY fast..(carefully of course) so i can get home..hhe.. I get to watch HOUSE!! WAHOO!!! and by the time it's done..I'll have to pick up my caca at the airport!!! yays!!! Lots of fun coming my way..hehe...
I got to skype with Matt the other day it was AWESOME!!! =) I miss my baby so much, especially now that everyone's back =( but MY TIME WILL COME AND IT WILL BE SPECIAL!!! =) hehe.
OHHH OTHER BIG BIG NEWS!!! My credits transfered to FTCC!! Praise the Lord!! I've been praying so hard so they would, so I won't have to take the classes again =) So far everything has transfered, except speech, I'm waiting... I'm gonna meet with my counselor on Tuesday so we can get my courses lined up =) SO FREAKING EXCITED!! I can't wait to begin school!! It's going to be soo different and new in so many ways, but I'M SO READY!!! I want to be a "somebody" as I tell Matt..haha...
I found some really cool songs to sing at church. I'm actually excited about them =) I hope i get to sing them soon. If not, then I'll get bored just singing them to me, lol, because I LOVE THEM!!! HEHE..
ok a long day awaits me, so i better hit the bed..goodnite everyone!!!!!!
Ok so I haven't blogged in FOREVER!!! so I thought I'd catch up a bit...these past few weeks have been a bit crazy.... but of course I had to start with the best video EVER!!! lol.. I love it!! =) Matt does that to me all the time...(not the bread throwing...lol)
numbered so they are easier to read =) hehe..
1. Still working on school...right now they are reviewing my school credentials to see if they will accept my credits....PLEASE PRAY THAT THEY WILL!!! =) I emailed last week, but they were still looking into it....I would just LOVE to start school this year =) and SPECIALLY if I don't have to take prerequisites!!
2. Traveled this past weekend to be in my best friend's wedding...found out I can actually make bouquets look pretty nice...LOL...and i got to make her bachelorette cake. Too crazy weekend over all though.... I'm still trying to catch up on sleep.
3. Also got to spend some time with my old rommie from college Kim....we went to downtown Disney, and had dinner...i had a bbq hawaian sandwich....WOW IT WAS AMAZING!!! then we walked around a bit, and then went to the Ghirardelli shop and got some HUGE sundays....they were sooo yummy though!!! (stupid blurry camera though =( )
4. I made my friend Brooke and her sister Sarah wait at the airport for like an extra hr cuz my stupid flight was delayed on the way home... =( but we caught up yesterday. =) no comments on that one though..LOL.
5. Still working from home this week...and I'm looking forward to my Mom and Sister coming over this weekend.. =) It will be fun =) I miss my nephew. My mom told me that he now says..CAKE...hahahha...so cute...
6. Tomorrow we'll be in the 60's till Matt comes home!!! I'm getting so freaking excited!!!!!!
ok i think that's it...I'll try to remember more later on.. =) OH WAIT!!!
I went to Johnny Rockets...for lunch...and i got this really cute smile on my plate =) I thought it was really cute...UNTIL I GOT MY FOOD!!!!!!!!
grilled cheese- burned and awful
honey mustard - tasted like melted honey with milk..GROSS
fries - mushy...another gross...
so i decided to get a milkshake to better my meal...i got an oreo...you can't ever go wrong with an oreo milkshake..OR SO I THOUGHT!!! it was so watery!!! GROSSS!!!! i gave it away to Regina's sister, cuz it was just discusting....well i get my bill and it only got better!!!
my meal = $4.00 (sandwich,fries)
my nasty milkshake = $4.79!!!!!!! WHAT IN THE WORLD!!!!!! I have NEVER paid that much for milkshake!!! i was furious!!!!!! so my dumb milkshake was actually more than my whole meal...GREAT!! so much for trying to save money..lol...
moral of the story....DON'T EVER EAT AT JOHNNY ROCKETS!!!!!!!! = GROSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!